Some useful definitions

Biometrics: A method of verifying an individual’s identity based on unique physical feature(s) or repeatable actions.

Closed Systems - A computer environment where access to the system or data is: controlled by persons who are responsible for the content of the electronic record(s) residing on the system.

Digital Signature - An electronic signature based upon cryptographic methods of originator authentication, computed by using a set of rules and parameters allowing for the identity of the signer and the integrity of the data to be established, maintained and verified.

Electronic Record - Any combination of text, graphics, data, audio, video, or otherinformation represented in digital form. This information is created, modified, maintained, archived, retrieved, or distributed by a computer system.

Electronic Signature - A computer data compilation of any symbol or series of symbolsexecuted, adopted or authorized by an individual to be the legally binding equivalent of the individual’s handwritten signature.

Open System - A computer environment where access to the system or data is not controlled by persons who are responsible for the content of the electronic record(s) residing on the system.

what is basic difference between deviation and NC (non conformance).
Nc could be consider as unplanned deviation.

Good question and one that seems to always crop up.

First of all a deviation and non conformance are usually always down to human error. I have seen IQ/OQ protocols where there are sections for both Deviations and non-conformances

A deviation typically is documentation, typically in a verification/validation report, explaining why aspects of the verification/validation were changed from what was originally described in the associated protocol, ie why did the executer deviate from the protocol.

A non-conformance is a departure of a quality characteristic from its intended level or state that occurs with a severity sufficient to cause an associated product or service not to meet a specification requirement.
A departure of a quality characteristic from its intended level or state that occurs with a severity sufficient to cause an associated product or service not to satisfy intended normal or foreseeable usage requirements.

If any minor NC happened and it will not affect the product quality, identity or strength. That is to be recorded and cover in CAPA (corrective and preventive action) or fill a unplanned deviation for the same.