Regarding Hot spot Location

Hi All,

I want to know how we will decide hot spot location in an area or room whose
temperature monitoring is to be done,are there any guidelines available for it..? 

thanks in advance

[quote=ATAM.MISHRA]Hi All,

I want to know how we will decide hot spot location in an area or room whose
temperature monitoring is to be done,are there any guidelines available for it..? 

thanks in advance[/quote]

Dear Attam

Temperature probes shall be mapped in the room [No of probes shall be depended on the room volume]. Hot point shall be identified based on the mapping study. Highest temperature recording point during study shall be considered as hot point. Regular temperature monitoring shall be done at this point only.



Thanks for your quick reply but i want to know specifications like Probe to probe
distance, is there any specific criteria for no. of probe used for particular area
volume say for 1000 cu.ft how many probes are taken? The height of probe and hygrometer to be kept from working floor…?

