Pass Box

Generally what is the working height of Pass box used in Micro Testing laboratories ?.

It cab be installed at floor level. or any specific standard requirement for installation with respect to working height.

Hi ,
The pasbox is fit to transfer of material,
Fitting of the passbox at any place is Ok as long as it gives us required class.
As far as microbioogical laboratory is concern, we can fit the pass box at the height , wherein the analyst can comfortably transfer of material. ( Notmally Threee to four feets height from ground.)

The passbox can also be palces at the groung level, whwerin the transfer of the heay material is done through pass box ( In warehouse areas).


[quote=Piyush Raval]Generally what is the working height of Pass box used in Micro Testing laboratories ?.

It cab be installed at floor level. or any specific standard requirement for installation with respect to working height.[/quote]

Please do concern about ergonomics