IQ tests post SAT

Hi, what would be considered typical IQ tests post completion of a successful SAT on a system.

Sorry for the delayed reply…

There’s no regulation regarding what has to be done. In fact, there’s no regulation for IQ (or OQ or PQ) or SAT (or FAT or…).

SAT is typically what is done to accept the equipment from the vendor. IQ is typically what is done to confirm it’s installed correctly (at YOUR site).

If you choose to do IQ and you can get some lift off of the SAT activities, that should be defensible. For example, if part of your IQ was to identify you had the required maintenance procedures from the vendor and you did that in SAT, there’s no sense in repeating. The bottom line is that the equipment needs to be validated for its intended use. If you can provide objective evidence that you have done that (and it follows YOUR procedures), you should be good.

I think, Yodon is partially correct. Besides regulations are not, you nshould perform IQ anyway at your site during SAT or Post SAT for validation. You need to reinstall equipment at your site. I will prefer to perform IQ during SAT to make sure the euipment and related documents are ready for validation (OQ/PQ).