Innovative off-the-shelf modular biopharmaceutical factory

GE Healthcare, the healthcare business of GE, introduced KUBioTM, an innovative off-the-shelf, modular factory designed to save manufacturers of biopharmaceuticals both time and money. KUBio’s pre-made modules, which are assembled at a customer’s chosen site to make a fully functional ready-to-run bioprocessing facility, are significantly faster to install than constructing a traditional factory.

The modules are equipped with GE Healthcare’s world-class technologies for the start-to-finish manufacture of biopharmaceuticals.
Worldwide demand for biopharmaceuticals - such as antibodies for the treatment of cancer and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as the new generation of innovative vaccines - is increasing dramatically, driven by the global ageing population, rising obesity levels and the global effort to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases. KUBio will help manufacturers to respond to local healthcare needs and bring these potentially life-saving treatments to market more quickly.

KUBio is a fully functional off-the-shelf bioprocessing facility specifically designed to meet cGMP requirements while optimizing manufacturing flexibility and productivity. The 1200m2 facility is pre-fabricated and delivered with a complete ready-to-use production line, based on GE Healthcare’s Ready-to-ProcessTM single-use technologies. With a total planning, delivery and construction time of 14-18 months, compared to the traditional 24-36 months, both time-to-market and level of capital investment are significantly reduced. The first modular facilities to be introduced will be configured for the manufacture of monoclonal antibodies. GE Healthcare also plans to introduce modules for the manufacture of other biopharmaceuticals.