Grade A with background Grade D!

In Clean Room : Grade A with background Grade D…can you justify grade A at in-operation condition under background D in microbiological point of view…

Please share your valuable opinion!!!

What sort of Microbial control can your company achieve from this sort of HVAC classification during your process operations?
It is 100000/100.
Does this work? You are a QA Validation officer.
Your need to ask yourself and justify what level of particle and Bio-burden reduction you can achieve with this.

[quote=DURGA PRASAD]What sort of Microbial control can your company achieve from this sort of HVAC classification during your process operations?
It is 100000/100.
Does this work? You are a QA Validation officer.
Your need to ask yourself and justify what level of particle and Bio-burden reduction you can achieve with this.[/quote]

lots of thanks Mr. Durga…but can we justify 100000/100 at rest condition?? plz share ur valuable opinion…