Good Documentation Practices (GDocP, GDP) attaching a label

Ok, I know this is really dumb… but, every company I’ve ever been in has the practice of when attaching a label to a GMP record, initial and date ensuring the entry is overlapping both the label and document.

Even though this is in our SOP I have someone who insists on just making a hash mark on the interface.

  1. Has anyone ever seen the hash mark practice?
  2. If we revise the SOP is this acceptable?

It amazes me, what people want to dicker over… just do it. :slight_smile:
Most of the audits I’ve been through this would probably be a recommendation at most (as long as we update the SOP).

Placing just a hash mark is a significant cGMP issue as it is not possible to identify who attached the label or when it was attached.