Facility Changeover

Dear All,

I would like to know what all activities with respect to validation need to be done when a steroid manufacturing facilty is to be changed for manufacturing of oncology drugs.

Thanks in advance.

Your validation master plan needs to provide the guidance for what needs to be done.

Beyond that, start with expecting to do a full re-validation. Then look at risk and decide if anything can be excluded. Document your decisions and rationale. I would expect that, presuming you followed the standard IQ/OQ/PQ approach, full IQ, partial OQ, and full or partial PQ. Again, you have to justify (document) your approach and decisions.

[quote=yodon]Your validation master plan needs to provide the guidance for what needs to be done.

Beyond that, start with expecting to do a full re-validation. Then look at risk and decide if anything can be excluded. Document your decisions and rationale. I would expect that, presuming you followed the standard IQ/OQ/PQ approach, full IQ, partial OQ, and full or partial PQ. Again, you have to justify (document) your approach and decisions.[/quote]


Besides these, how to go for Cleaning Validation?What should be the acceptance criteria?

Best Regards.