Design Specification document for software validation

What is the content of the Design Specification document for software validation for systems in Category 5: Custom Application?

Can i get some samples?



Per the standard:

“Design specification should be based on the functional specifications and should be sufficiently detailed so that the product can be developed.”

What they’re saying is that, where necessary, decompose the functional spec to a set of specifications that can be implemented. For example, you may have a functional spec to say that ‘The system shall require a valid employee ID when logging in.’ Your design specs might cover aspects like what the structure of an employee ID is (number of characters, valid character set); what happens if an invalid employee ID is entered; where / how the data is stored; how the list gets populated; etc.

Think of the functional spec as looking at the system from the outside: what do you want the system to do.

Think of the design spec as looking at the system from the inside: here’s how I’m going to do those things.