China :Counterfeiting crackdown

Chinese authorities have arrested hundreds of people accused of manufacturing and selling fake pharmaceuticals in the country’s Zhejiang province.

According to a report on China’s Xinhua news agency officers from the Jinhuia Public Security Department apprehended 263 people in a raid that took place on May 25.

The report goes on to say that the authorities seized counterfeit medicines, manufacturing equipment, computers and vehicles with a street value of 20m yuan ($3m).

The swoop is part of Ministry of Public Security co-ordinated crack down on the illegal production and sale of fake medicines.

If convicted those arrested may face long prison terms following the recent amendment to China’s laws on counterfeiting which removed the maximum three-year term that had been in place for such offences.

Now the drug control authorities of china were open their eyes.

Global pharma industry cheers with the news.

Thanks for sharing good news


Its the same in India too.
Instead of counterfiet drugs ,India leads in misbranded and spurios drugs.
Indian drug authorities are always been bribed and nothing can happen even when there are some adverse reactions from a vaccine in Gujarath and a Large volume parenteral caused some deaths in Rajasthan.
We do not always want to share such news here as it hurts some who belongs to their nation.
The fact reamins that Indian FDA is not at all up to the global standards.
These statements will hurt. But you cannot deny the truth.