An Easy to Understand Guide - 21 CFR PART 11

[COLOR=#222222]An Easy to Understand Guide - 21 CFR PART 11

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Dear Sir

Can i know about 21 CFR

If you purchase our wonderful book, it will provide you with all necessary details.


Yes, I can help you with more info. What kind of information are you specifically looking for? What company are you from?

Graham, looks like he didn`t like the idea to buy the book and you chased him :slight_smile:

Yes I think it would have helped him too. All of our books are sold at a very low price.

We run this forum for free, so it would be good if more members purchased to keep it that way.

[quote=gokeeffe]Yes I think it would have helped him too. All of our books are sold at a very low price.

We run this forum for free, so it would be good if more members purchased to keep it that way.[/quote]

Yeah, good point. This is a lot of work I guess and you`re doing a good job, Graham. For sure it helps a lot and I hope it will stay moving on.

Cheers Gunter