Using Near infared spectrophotometry in content uniformity and "weight correct" term

Dear Sirs,

  1. Can you give me some advice in using NIR in content uniformity as regard of legal requirement?

  2. I am confusing about “weight correct” term in content uniformity, please help me to clarify

For example, I am perform testing of content uniformity in tablet (10 tablet) by HPLC and which calculation formular is correct

a) % label claim = peak area of sample x dilution of sample x potency of standard x weight of standard/(peak area of STD x dilution of STD x label quantity)

b) % label claim= peak area of sample x dilution of sample x potency of standard x weight of standard x average weight of 10 tablets /(peak area of STD x dilution of STD x label quantity x weight of tablet)

thank you very much!