The limit number of peak area in HPLC

dear all,
i want to ask about limit number of peak area in HPLC, in my opinion the number of the good peak area is ≤1.000.000 or ≤ 10.000.000.
is that true?

[quote=rika_ndry]dear all,
i want to ask about limit number of peak area in HPLC, in my opinion the number of the good peak area is ≤1.000.000 or ≤ 10.000.000.
is that true?

Dear Rika,
i couldn’t understand what are you trying to ask?

if what you are trying to ask is what is an acceptable peak area response, the answer is there is no clear-cut definition of acceptable peak areas. what is important is peak shape (it should be symnmetrical, without tailing or fronting and not too broad) and the peak of interest should be on-scale.

Peak area depends on your concentration,i would agree with above thread for peak shape.
