Rerospective validations of autoclave

Dear Sir,

I want to know about the retrospective validation of autoclave. In this autoclave we had 9 different load cycles for different materials. I have done pros-pective validation of some loads but due to lack of time & no break down of our production schedule; I want to do retro- spective validation of remaining loads. I want to know whether it is possible to do so & if possible what is the way?

Thank you & regards,


[quote=ster.yogesh]Dear Sir,

I want to know about the retrospective validation of autoclave. In this autoclave we had 9 different load cycles for different materials. I have done pros-pective validation of some loads but due to lack of time & no break down of our production schedule; I want to do retro- spective validation of remaining loads. I want to know whether it is possible to do so & if possible what is the way?

Thank you & regards,


Dear Yogesh,
Retrorespective validation in autoclave, no way my dear friend. you can’t implement retrorespetic validation in autoclave, But there is way which you can use easily to cover all your loads patterns, first catergerize your loads, in pourous and non pourous load and then pick the worst case scnerio in term of load mass configuration, means taking loads which have max mass laod for pourous and non pourous laods, this way you can qualify your auotoclave taking worst case scnerio and you don’t need to validate your all remaining load runs.

I think this may clear your problem

Thanks and best regards,