Is an Electronic Document deemed an Electronic Record

Hi All,

Do the requirements of Part 11 apply to electronic documents…so do you need to audit trail the creation, deletion and modification of electronic documents?


[quote=gokeeffe]Hi All,

Do the requirements of Part 11 apply to electronic documents…so do you need to audit trail the creation, deletion and modification of electronic documents?



I think that is a very good question. Usually when referring to when Part 11 applies or doesn’t apply we refer back to the predicate rules. I would say it would depend on the document and what it contains/used for.

I would love to hear other opinions on this matter as well.

I have scenario, development data is compiled into summary reports (Inhouse purpose), and excerpts of which are part of FDA submission.

Yes, raw data & analytical reports - final documentation submitted to FDA are already part-11 compliant.

is part 11 applicable to report compilations of development data?

counter :- since compilations are ih requirement; and raw data and final document is controlled(part-11); compilations need not be subjected to part-11 requirements.

our argument :- as the summary document is basis for submission documentation; this would be under purview of electronic documentation; and further it would have to meet requirements of hybrid system.

question again - development data has to be part-11 compliant (if handled electronically) but, is part-11 a requirement for compilations/reports?

similar situation can also be visualized in manufacturing environment, viz., LIMS would provide compilation of trends/lists of numbers; its then compiled and translated into graphs, which get included in the annual product review; Now does the trends/lists --> compilations/graphs are subject to part -11?