Common Causes of Manpower Wastage in a Manufacturing Plant

Every one wants grow in their respective fields and dream to become a team leader.For such people to run a plant or a process efficiently with man power , knowing these are very important.

Failure to get the best from capable employees
Lack/incomplete job instructions for new employees
• Failure to explain in detail the nature of the work
• Failure to explain what is expected in terms of quality and quantity of work
• Failure to instruct new employees in all aspects of safety
• Failure to select suitably qualified and experienced employees
• Impatience with new employees who learn slowly
Failure to integrate new employees into the working environment
• Failure to get other workers to show a friendly, helpful attitude toward new employees
• Failure to establish sound relationship and regular contact with new employees
Varying quality of incoming materials
Machines poorly maintained and/or calibrated
Poor design of the process
Lack of statistical information or performance data
Failure to train an understudy
Failure to recognize or commend exceptional performance
• Failure to promote an employee when it is possible and appropriate
• Lack of interest in employee progress and affairs
• Not providing employees needed support and help
Lack of attention to employee’s ability and temperament
• Keeping an employee in a job for which he is not mentally or physically suitable
• Failure to view employees as individuals in order to motivate them
Lack of due consideration to problems resulting from uncomfortable working conditions, such as humidity, noise, confusion, temperature (heat or cold), poor ventilation, poor light, dirt, etc.
Failure to admit mistakes
Failure to control turnover of capable employees
Failure to correctly interpret the company’s real aims and policies to workers
Not inducting new employees appropriately: policies, procedures, pay, terms and conditions of employment, facilities, etc.
Making promises that cannot be fulfilled in regard to wages, promotion, etc.
• Not keeping promises that could have been fulfilled
Not appreciating the direct and indirect costs of labor turnover
• Discharging employees without sufficient cause
• Improper use of the discharge procedure as a penalty
Poor supervision:
• Too much “bossing”; not enough intelligent direction
• Keeping an employee on a job for which he may have a strong dislike
• Too strict or too lax enforcement of discipline
• Criticizing a worker in front of the group
• Favoritism; treating one person better than others
• Taking sides in employees’ arguments
