Calculator Validation


Can I get any idea on how to validate / qualify calculator used in analytical laboratory.

Satish Dange


Can I get any idea on how to validate / qualify calculator used in analytical laboratory.

Satish Dange[/quote]

You have to look at the usage of the device. Typical calculations in a laboratory include multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, log/ln functions, statistical functions (sd, RSD, mean, permutations, etc), multiple arguments (line calculations, regression analysis, etc), exponential functions and suchlike, often in combination. So, if you really wanted to, you could use sample calculations with well characterised data sets (you can find plenty of these in any Maths/Physics/Statistics textbook) covering the range of calculations you use in your lab. Input the data and check if the result output matches that of the reference calculation.

That’s how I would do it…

Hope this helps