Acceptance Testing


Could any one explain me the main difference between FAT & SAT. In which contest they are different; ofcourse these are acceptance testing at factory and site.

FAT (factory acceptance test) is test into supplier’s factory, actually, supplier must shown and aproove to you that is machine complete, in good state and conditions, all parts, modules and blocks are present…etc, etc…after that together with you, they will test machine within your samples of material, carton, botles…etc, etc…vary depend from your wishes…At same moment it is good to make an training to you and your pesonel to work on the equipment. After accepted FAT, supplier can transport equipment to your factory, install and make SAT.
What is difference?? Transport! Test will shown that equipment is not damaged. Also, this will finally aproove to you that you now have full functionall equipment directly on the site (SAT Site Acceptance Test). This is good chance to more training personel and test again equipment. Also, to do IQ, OQ…maybe PQ. Than you can start production and validate processes.
Of course, all these points need to be clarify in agreement (much better in URS also), you should probably to pay for additional price for FAT,SAT…but, it is not expensive so much and it is good way to decrease risk.
After all, you are ready to pay finnal price and close agreement.
This is very depend of supplier, but, if you ask me, it is good to pay 30% after agreement down, 50% after FAT, and rest 20% after SAT and other tests.



Dear Cubica,

Thank you very much for your information.
The last sentence that you mentioned is very applicable and good one.

Best Regards,